Friday, June 8, 2012

Where to start!

This morning we decided to take The Original Bus Tour, our reasons being while it costs more, we learned a lot and we didn't have to worry about the underground like navigating or getting lost or anything!
(also, I chose to wear my brand new rain boots or duck boots as I call them that I purchased only a few days before my trip and did not break in, it was a great choice but break them in) 

The first stop on our tour was Buckingham Palace but it was closed for construction this is the best shot I have of it :( but were all sharing pictures and Brittany got some really good ones! most of mine suck (haha, sorry) Also, the queen was not in!

 While we were walking by we discovered this park (later found our it was St. James Park) and saw this :) It was a lovely walk!
 This was on the other side of the park, I dont remember the name of the street but it was pretty and I think came from Buckingham Palace.
 This gorgeous statue was in front of Buckingham Palace and that's real gold at the top!
We were in time for changing of the guard but because of the rainy and windy weather they did not walk :( so we got on the bus and headed for Westminster Abbey! ( I chose not to go in because I was saving my money for two other attractions later)
 My first meal of fish and chips in England!
 And we saw this and just had to.... so touristy
 I went on the London Eye! Totally worth it and awesome. (once again sucky picture)
 Next we went to the Tower of London, where we saw beefeaters, the torture chamber, the crown jewels, and more!
 My sister will be so proud... we found a Wagamama and it was quite delicious...
More to come later, I only have an hour of internet currently!


  1. Hello Marissa, I really enjoy seeing your post's, pictures and hearing all about your teaching experiences. I know you are having the time of your life. These are memories you will look back on for years to come. Make the most of every single day and learn something from each child you meet. These are truly special day's of your life. Please keep posting as I am reading and looking forward to seeing you when you return.
    Enjoy some onion rings for me and Fish and chips.
    Love, Aunt Terrie

    1. Thanks aunt Terrie. I really am having the time of my life here and am noticing how quickly time the days are going by. I will be posting plenty more so keep looking! :) love ya
