Thursday, May 24, 2012

13 Days! So nervous.

I leave in exaclty 13 days to begin a month long journey feel so unprepared for this! This is the most frightening and exciting thing I have ever done. I have never traveled without my family and this is the first time I am planning any type of trip, let alone planning for multiple countries. I have several long lists of things I need to do, pack, carry on, purchase, call... and it continues.

I have a link to the video I made to send to my teacher (when I find our who it is and what grade I have) introducing myself to the students.

We have our hotel for London booked and I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do when I go to Scotland. The biggest problem I'm having is transportation- it's so expensive! And I dont know if bus, or train, or plane is better. I also havent even started on planning my weekend in Paris (my sister says to just find a hote and wing the rest, which is what im considering doing).


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