Friday, July 6, 2012

Prague this weekend :)

I taught a lesson this past Wednesday that focused on independence day. I began with an intro giving all the students about 25 pounds each in increments of 5 and designated one side of the class English and the other side American. I tell the students I am the king and I tax everyone 5 pounds for having sugar at lunch. Then I ask the English what we should tax for next, showing I am on their side. This got the American side aroused. We kept it going and discussed why it was or wasn't fair for a few minutes. Then I began telling the students the history part of Independence Day, why England would want to keep American, going through the French and Indian war, Stamp and Sugar Act, Townshed Act, Quartering Act, Boston Tea Party and Continental Congress. All of this lesson was debate style with the students discussing what would be fair and what wouldn't have been. They really enjoyed it and learning about what we do for the 4th of July.

The next day my teacher was away from school and I taught the  same lesson twice in the morning before lunch because we team teach so the students switch classrooms. Every time I teach one lesson after the other I do better for the second one, which is expected. For most of this internship I have mostly taught literacy except for the lesson on American football I created for P.E. and the fourth of July lesson. It has definitely been enjoyable though. The entire experience has been wonderful.

Another interesting thing I discovered in the school I am placed at is the openness to talk about things. For instance on Thursday they had an hour lesson planned to talk about people that have moved on in their life, whether they have moved away, or passed away. It was tough helping some of the kids through it because I am such an emotional person and I saw several students having a hard time with it.

Brittany and I leave tomorrow morning at 4 in the morning to catch a bus to the airport to Prague. Im expecting to see beautiful architecture and castles; however I am weary of making it through the weekend. I am past the euphoria phase of culture shock and am into the homesick phase. I am thinking that because I only have a few days left I will be too sad about leaving soon to be depressed about getting home and missing my family.

Next week I intern Monday through Wednesday and have already began to tell the students when my last day will be. A few of them are upset but I explained England isn't my home and like them I live with my family and miss them. That helps them understand it a bit.

I learned  several new words this week but will have to get back on that because I cant exactly remember the translation. Look for a post beginning of next week!

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